Sustainable Events
Caring for Our Planet Today & Everyday
Sustainable Event Management
We are committed to providing creative and innovative event solutions that connect with your audience in a way that minimises the impact on the environment and our planet.
Events are a tool for business growth and development, events enhance social interactions and help build relationships. Sustainability considerations in planning, delivery and legacy, mean that the impact of aspects like travel to events and waste produced by events can be planned for and minimised.
At Bridge Events we believe that sustainability is not just a ‘buzz word’ but a genuine requirement. Businesses and consumers need to become more aware of sustainability and the impact our lives and behaviours have on the planet. We endorse sustainability and the need for it to become part of our everyday lives whether in our consumer buying decisions or corporate activity.
Working hard with our partners and suppliers we aim to deliver events that have an impact on your audience but not on the environment. By assessing the environmental effects of events as part of our CSR we aim to reduce the damaging effects on the environment as part of the event management process.

"Alone we can do so little,
together we can do so much"
Helen Keller
'Event Greening'
We believe it is possible to turn the events industry into a great example of environmental responsibility.
Bridge Events will work with you to make sustainable practice the norm. Sustainable event management, otherwise known as ‘Event Greening’ is the process used to produce an event with particular concern for environmental, economic and social issues.

Postive Impact
Some of the ways Bridge Events are supporting sustainability in events:
Using venues with a green policy
Maximise potential natural resources e.g natural light and minimising the use of air conditioning
Ensuring waste reduction procedures
Catering - use jugs and tap water where possible definitely not single use plastic bottles!
Limited use of individually wrapped items
Seasonal, fresh and local food where possible
Remove all single use plastic by 2022
Encourage proper waste management - involve delegates in ensuring waste is separated correctly into its respective containers
Most importantly, educate and inform event attendees about sustainability practices
Committed Contribution to the Environment
Some of the steps we are taking are:
Planning Stage - As part of the event briefing process, we will work with you to identify areas to improve sustainability and environmental impact including, venues, catering, waste and transport
Suppliers and Supply Chain – involve the whole supply chain by asking suppliers what policies and procedures they have put in place to achieve good sustainability and to carry out their part in the event conscientiously
Go Paperless – Simple! By incorporating on-line registration and delegate management systems the use of paper can be cut down or even eliminated. Event websites and apps can be introduced to cut down on the amount of paper being used, as part of this process informing audiences why online systems are being used to encourage support and buy-in from those attending
Catering - An extremely important part of any event, working with hotels and catering suppliers to try and use seasonal or locally sourced food where possible. We also ensure accurate confirmed numbers of attendees to reduce food wastage
Water - Offering tap water to drink to save on transportation of bottled water and recycling of bottles and single use plastics
Venues – Whether big or smaller events, venues have a big part to play in sustainability, we check venues sustainability and environmental policies, their recycling policies, their water efficiency and their in-house suppliers
Event Production – Using less energy on events is key to supporting environmental responsibility on events
Reviewing Practices – We aim to constantly review practices to ensure we meet our environmental impact
If you are interested in hearing more about how we can work with your organisation to deliver a sustainable event please get in touch